Helping build confidence through fun and education in strength training, nutrition and with the support of the amazing Dark Horse Community!


Join my free 4 week program to learn proper nutrition, get some new fitness programs and learn ways to better your sleep, manage your stress and fill your bucket to live your best life!


What we do

Personal Training

Nothing beats one on one training!  It’s just you and me in the studio, breaking barriers and crushing goals!  Want to workout with a friend or two? We can make that happen too!


Life is crazy!  But good nutrition does not need to be complicated.  It also doesn’t need to be restrictive.  You can 100% enjoy your favourite foods (mmm…cotton candy ice cream) while following a “plan” that doesn’t consume all your time and energy.  I can show you how!

Bootcamp and Group Training

Don’t let the name fool you! There’s no screaming or yelling going down here – unless it’s at me!  This is a fun, high energy workout in a group setting where we encourage each otehr and celebrate the victories.  Syitable for all fitness levels.

On-Line Training

Do you love the convenience of working out from home but hate deciding what you should do? Need a little extra push to get the workouts in? Get custom workouts sent to you on schedule.  All the benefits of personal training – on your own time, in your own space!

Athletic Training

Competitive athlete or weekend warrior, we’ve got you covered!  Strength and conditioning programs are all sport specific and periodized to get you ready for the big game! Can be done in a private or group setting in the studio, or opt for an on-line program.

Why am i different?

I am a busy mom of three trying to navigate through this amazing thing we call life.  I understand the craziness of running a business, trying to be 2 places at once so I can hit a hockey game AND a cheer practice all the while fitting in my own workouts and healthy meals (often on the go)  so that I can be a positive role model for my kids by looking after myself. I understand busy. I also understand the importance of finding balance. I can help you find that balance too.

I also understand that as we get wrapped up in life with our families, it’s very easy to lose our sense of identity.  A training session in our private studio is more than just a training session.  It’s a push yourself to your limits type of session where there is no fear of judgement…where you will feel your strength and confidence grow with every movement, trying things you felt out of your realm.  You will gain a little bit of knowledge about yourself. You will find…well, YOU again. You will leave feeling empowered, energized, ready to tackle the day.  Most importantly, you become part of a community…an amazing tribe of individuals who sweat it out in group sessions and celebrate your victories.

From Our Clients
We would be nothing without our clients.  They truly are the heart and soul of Dark Horse Fitness!
“Krista has been more than amazing.  She personalizes workouts weekly for me, and pushes me to get through them.  Personal training and bootcamp sessions have never disappointed.  Thanks for all you have done and I look forward to more sessions soon! Xoxo”
Natasha H.

“In July, I committed to the July Passport Challenge.  Everytime I posted, Krista would send me little words of encouragement.  Krista made me realize how I can add fitness into my everyday life and how it can be fun. I learned a bit about myself and found some new activities that I love.  Krista is amazing at what she does.  She is positive, supportive and genuine.  So if you’d like a personal trainer, check her out…she’s so much more than just a trainer!”
Candice K.

“Glad I found you Krista!  It has been about 9 months now of you kicking my butt (that I’m getting oh so proud of and my hubby doesn’t want to take his hands off).  I’m glad that I finally made the choice to desire a change.  I wanted to start to feel healthy and strong.  All because of you and the awesome workouts you design for me each week, I’ve lost inches and feel great.  Now I have goals to do amazing things like Tough Mudder races!  Woohoo! I look so forward to each visit.  Cheers!”
Kim B.

I found exactly what I was looking for in Dark Horse Fitness. When you have made the decision to start a healthier lifestyle it can be daunting at first… there is so much info out there. Krista has been there to help every step of the way. Workout plans, nutritional guidance and all the accountability I need. It has all come together and I feel fantastic and so proud to be crushing my goals.

Tamara S.

Are you ready?

Let's get started!


Wye Road & Hwy 21

Sherwood Park, Alberta