Have you ever thought about hiring a personal trainer? Maybe the cost makes you hesitant.  Or maybe you have thought about it, but manage to do some form of training on your own so you are unsure that it would be worthwhile.  The truth is, hiring a professional to help you along the way is never a bad call. Even I meet up with other trainers for a workout! Below are a few things that a trainer can bring to they table.



You wouldn’t lace up a pair of skates, pick up a hockey stick and expect to master the game of hockey without learning how to play right? Working out should be no different. Let’s face it…there is an opportunity for injury with any kind of physical activity. Some injuries can have a huge impact on your lifestyle for years to come.  A good trainer will teach you proper body mechanics and lifting techniques to help keep you safe from injury.  Using proper form also ensures you get the max intended benefit!

In addition to keeping you safe, personal trainers are your partners in looking at your goals and determining the most effective way for you to crush them.  Whether your goal is to run a marathon, make a team or play with your kids without losing your breath, a trainer will develop a program that is extremely specific to you, your abilities and your goals!  They can switch up workouts and teach you new exercises to help beat boredom and keep you motivated long-term.


When you invest in something, you are more likely to stick with it and follow through!  Booking with a personal trainer is an appointment that goes in your calendar.  Knowing you have someone waiting for you and that you’ve paid for a session is incentive enough not to ditch out.  Sure you could find a workout in a magazine or on pinterest.  But, aside from the fact that it’s not personal to your goals, will you get it done? On a regular basis? Even if you only see a trainer once a week, knowing they are going to inquire about your home workouts is often enough to keep you moving forward on days when you would otherwise opt out!


As much as you invest in a personal trainer, they invest in you too!  They want to see you succeed and reach your goals and get just as excited about your victories as you do. In fact, they want you to surpass your goals and do things you only dreamt of going.  There is something amazing about seeing your clients confidence soar.  So in times when you may be feeling progress is slow, they point out your wins and encourage you to keep going.    But they also push you.  They push you to work harder.  How many of you go to the gym, casually walk to a piece of equipment, check your phone, change your music, check your phone again and then complete a set? Subconsciously, we are all a little competitive at heart so when working out alongside a trainer, you will find you summon up a little (or in some cases a lot) more than you would working out on your own.   And in the days when you need it the most, a good trainer will give you the reality check you need to get back on track!


 I joke about this with my clients but there is some element of truth to it.  A personal trainer is there to help you with your fitness goals, but they also care about your overall wellness.  In an hour session, there is a lot of chatter.  Clients chat about their day, work, family.  Trainers get to learn a lot about the stressors in your life and care about such because it impacts your motivation for exercise and healthy eating but it also impacts your overall happiness. Sometimes, just chatting about things can make you feel better or a trainer may even have suggestions to help alleviate stress, get more sleep or organize your day so that you feel better!


A personal trainer is so much more than a person who prescribes exercises and makes you sweat.  They become a coach in fitness, health and life and your cheerleader who helps to make your goals that much more easier to attain.  This truly is one investment you won’t regret.


Want some more information on what I have to offer as a personal trainer and a nutrition coach?