It’s Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and it’s a time for families to connect over board games, good conversation and delicious feasts! For many families, conversation around the table leads to talk of the many reasons for which they are thankful, remembering they do indeed live a life full of blessings!

And while this is an amazing time to share gratitude with the ones you love the most, it shouldn’t be a once a year deal.  Showing gratitude on a daily basis has so many health benefits and keeping a daily gratitude journal can truly change your life in more ways than you would have imagined.



I think one of the biggest problems in our world filled with social media is our tendency to compare ourselves to everyone, forgetting that people have a tendency to post the best of their lives.  Sure, Bob got a brand new boat and Sally is travelling around the world, but we don’t see that Bob is living on credit and Sally is trying to escape a broken relationship. When we compare our lives to the perceived good in everyone else’s lives, we can feel toxic emotions such as envy which leads to resentment. We don’t mean to feel that way, but it happens…and many times we don’t even realize the negativity of our emotions.

Studies show that when we express daily gratitude, we become more socially connected.  Instead of feeling frustrated over others accomplishments, we are able to celebrate them.  When we are happy for others, we reach out to them.  Our relationships become more authentic which in an of itself leads to a whole host of positivity benefits.


Let’s face it.  We could all handle to feel a little better about ourselves right?  When we start focusing on the good in our lives and comparing ourselves less to others, our feelings of self-worth go up. We celebrate our own victories…our own accomplishments.  When you feel satisfied with your life, you can’t help but go about your day like a boss…head held high, determination strong.  You have a clarity about your thoughts, which leads to better decision making.

When you feel good about yourself…you feel just that much more confident to take those calculated risks.  To push the envelope a little bit.  Sometimes those risks pay off and your productivity soars.  But on those instances when you experience set backs, when you’ve been focusing on daily gratitude, you are far less likely to spiral into a pattern of negativity because of failure. You experience less burn out.  You learn from your mistakes, you pick yourself up and keep moving forward.



We’ve been talking in general about the overall improvement in our mental health when we focus on all the good in our lives.  But we can also expect to see a difference in our physical well-being.  Sleep plays a huge role in our efforts to exercise and eat well.  Studies have shown that writing in a gratitude journal before bed leads to better quality of sleep.  We fall asleep easier, sleep deeper and longer.

With that extra sleep and a positive attitude, we have more energy.  We exercise more consistently.  But beyond that, the increase in energy gets us doing more activity.  We get out and walk more.  We try new things.  And all that leads back to better satisfaction!


When you consistently think about the things for which you are thankful, you start to look for all the positive in your life.  Even the small things begin to bring greater joy.  Quite simply… you are happier.  And who doesn’t want to live a happier life?


I myself have been writing in a gratitude journal of some form for years. Currently, my method of choice has become part of my evening routine.  I sit down with my daytimer (yes…I love all things paper) right before bed and write down at least 3 things for which I am grateful.

Another method I have used in the past was through the app Gratitude Journal 365.  Having the app on my phone made it convenient to add things as my day went along and because I love all things photography related, I loved being able to attach pictures.

You can also purchase specific paper journals.  One I’ve used in the past had daily pages to complete with written prompts about your day.  The prompts asked about the things for which I was grateful, how I felt on a spiritual level, to discuss magical moments through the day and what I could do to make for a better tomorrow.  This was a coilbound book, and my kids have enjoyed flipping through it over the years.

I highly recommend trying one of the above methods or adopting your own method to show daily gratitude.  Studies have shown the benefits, but I can personally attest that consistent thought to all the good in your life puts things into perspective, brightens your mood and helps you to see the good in all the little things that happen throughout the day!


1. My family.  Those who know me, know that family is everything.  This particular weekend I was able to spend time with all the ones I love most and my heart is so full.

2.  Dark Horse Health & Fitness.  I wish everyone was lucky enough to have a career doing something they love…and then be lucky enough to work with the most amazing people.  The Dark Horse Health & Fitness Tribe…well you all make “work” fun.  Thank you.

3. Adventure.   I don’t think there was ever a time in which I was every really encouraged to play it safe.  My sense of adventure has given me the most amazing memories…which I have been able to share with my friends and family.  And because of that, they are willing to be adventurous and we get to create all kinds of new memories.  It’s amazing!


How many of you write in a gratitude journal? What benefits has it brought into your life? And finally, what are YOU most thankful for?

On this holiday weekend, wishing you all the most amazing day.  May it be filled with the things that make you happiest!