About Krista

deep down & Personal


In A Nutshell…

I am real.  Authentic.  I believe in the power of community and that being surrounded by an amazing tribe is important for your spirit.  I love tacos.  Coffee and wine feed my soul.  I’m a country girl at heart…there is nothing better than a good country tune when you are driving down the highway with the windows rolled down.  But in the gym, I’m a rock or rap it out kinda girl.  I am a lover of all things adventure…I like to push my limits.  The mountains and the beach are my happy places. There is something special about that air that allows you to just let go.  I am a constant work in progress.  But…most importantly, family is everything.

But…Let’s Dig A Little Deeper…

I’m Krista…the owner of Dark Horse Health & Fitness.  I grew up active…loving all sports and exercise.  My first memories of formal exercise are of me sporting a leotard and leg warmers, grape vining it out with a Jane Fonda aerobics video.  I think I was 4.


I did every sport imaginable.  I was a competitive figure skater, gymnast and fastball player and somehow I managed to fit in all school sports as well.  As I got older and more involved in competitive sports, training and nutrition took on a larger focus.  And while the intention was to make me stronger and more competitive, the opposite occurred.

I became obsessive.  I exercised 2-3 times a day.  I counted EVERYTHING that went into my body.  I kept a journal that kept track of calories burned and calories eaten.  And every day it became a game to exercise more…and eat less.  I hated my body.  I hated myself.  Every. Single. Thought. Revolved around food.  By the time grade 12 hit, I had lost so much weight that I would go to bed at night afraid I would not wake up the next morning.  I was in a downward spiral of an all encompassing eating disorder and I was damn near at rock bottom.

I needed help.

My friends and parents convinced me to see an eating disorder specialist, who promptly admitted me to the hospital.

Two Years.

For 2 years, I was in and out of that damn hospital, battling the body image demons that caused so much self destruction.  Another 2 years were spent with sporadic visits to the hospital for monitoring and random butt kickings from doctors and nurses to keep fighting.  It was a battle.  I literally fought for my life.

But I made it. 

4 years and a degree later, I made it through to the point in which I knew I could put this in my past.  I had more good days than bad ones.  15 years and 3 kids later, I finally have a healthy relationship with food and exercise.  Life is enjoyable again.  Do I still battle with body image issues? I would by lying to you and myself if I said no.  But now I’m more focused on getting back to my athletic self and staying strong and active for the three pairs of eyes that watch me every day.

And…all this brought me to where I am today. I love helping people.  Training and nutrition sessions are so much more than that to me.  Male or female.  Young or old.  I love to see all my clients empowered.  To see them believe in their strengths. To overcome their weaknesses.  To succeed in their goals.  To grow in self-confidence.  And to find self-love.

I understand the barriers people face.  I know what it’s like to not feel good within your own skin.  I also know how amazing it feels to live life to it’s fullest without that self doubt.  If I can get to that point, than anyone can.  And that understanding? Well, it’s truly priceless!


Wye Road & Hwy 21

Sherwood Park, Alberta