Get OFF the Diet Train

I LOVE nutrition. You know what I don’t love?  DIETS. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve been asked by clients, friends and strangers, “What is THE BEST diet for weight loss?”. I get it.  Everywhere we...

Start Your Day Right!

  So…morning routines are all the rage right now. You see it on the news.  You see it on IG posts.  And now you are seeing it from me.  But for good reason! Now…before you get all panicked about adding ANOTHER thing to your list of things…know...

The Number Game

  Can we take a second to talk numbers? The health and wellness world has a slight obsession with numbers… “How many calories should I eat?” “How much protein did I eat today? What about carbohydrates?” “I weigh too much.  I...

And Then What?

So, I was on a call with a client the other day…I love these calls by the way.  It’s always so great to see where everyone is at and to celebrate their victories.  But anyways, as I said…I was on a call with a client  and we were chatting about a...

Bring On 2019!

I’m sure you’ve seen the memes floating around instagram and facebook…you know the ones…where they talk about entering that time between Christmas and New Year’s and not knowing what day it is, who you are or what you’re supposed to...