Who’s Your Buddy??

  You’ve heard me talk about finding a workout buddy before.  Not only is working out with a friend WAY more fun but the  friendly competition can make you push just a little bit harder.  Am I right?  But, here’s the truth. If you are looking for a...

Everyone Loves A Good Makeover!

Who doesn’t love a makeover? Seeing the transformation from start to finish is always exciting isn’t it? So why don’t we do a makeover of our own! How about we take a look at our kitchen??  I’m not talking about refinishing cupboards and...

Ways To Stay Motivated In The Winter

Halloween has passed,. Christmas is coming. The clocks have been  set back an hour. The days are shorter.  The skies are grey.  We can’t fight it any longer.  Winter is here to stay!     The cold.  The dark.  Doesn’t it just make you want to curl...

The Importance of Goal Setting

We all have things we want to accomplish, be it health related or in life in general. But there is a big difference between WANTING something, and getting it done.  Wanting is quite simply, not good enough.  The key to actually reaching your goals is to go in with a...